On receiving such a tremendous response on my last article: Growing Problem of Back pain in Children, I would like to introduce you to “Osteoporosis”.
Osteoporosis happens when bone density decreases and the body stops producing as much bone as it did before. It can affect both males and females, but it is most likely to occur in women after menopause, because of the sudden decrease in estrogen, the hormone that normally protects against the osteosis. As the bones gradually start becoming weaker, there is a higher risk of a fracture during a fall or even a fairly minor knock.
In India 230 million Indian expected to be over at the age of 50 years. 20% i.e., – 40 million women are with osteoporosis.
A New Disease?
Osteoporosis which is so prevalent now was virtually unheard for hundreds of years. So, suddenly what happened? Did our genes change in hundred years?
No! genetic materials take 1000 of years to change. The only thing that changed was our environment, our diet, and lifestyle than they were many years ago and it has caused an epidemic of osteoporosis.
Here are 10 ways to you can prevent or reverse osteoporosis.
Stop to Pop
Carbonated beverages such as soft drinks and sparkling water, leach calcium from your bones. Carbonated beverages have excess phosphates which cause even more calcium loss.
Cut Down on Protein
Excess protein intake can cause acidity in the body, which in turn causes calcium to be lost in the urine. Most people need only 2 and 4 ounces of lean protein, three times a day.
Keep your Stomach Acid
Many people are on acid-blocking drugs such as Rantac, Zantac, pagamet, for problems such as heartburn and hernia. Stomach acid is necessary to absorb minerals such as calcium, magnesium and zinc. Blocking stomach acid significantly increases the risk of osteoporosis. Slow motion of kapalbhati and aloe vera juice, regulate the stomach acid.
Cut out caffeine
Each cup of coffee and other drinks that you drink makes you lose 150mg of calcium in your urine. Naturally decaffeinated teas are a better option but if you must drink caffeinated coffee at least increase your calcium intake by 150 mg of each cup you drink. It is a natural way of regulating the stomach acid with slow kapalbhati and Aloe Vera juice.
Exercise More
When the muscles pull against the bones during exercise, it stimulates the bones and tells them that they are needed. Any weight-bearing exercise such as walking, hiking, climbing and weightlifting can increase bone density. As little as 15-20 minutes a day can be helpful. Floor exercises such as leg lifts and sit-ups will work just fine and outside exercises such as swimming and cycling are great for muscle strengths.They are most beneficial for your bones.
Get the Right Kind of Calcium
Calcium citrate and calcium hydroxyapatite are the best forms of calcium to intake. They need to be taken empty stomach for best absorption and only 500 mg at a time. A total dose of 1000 to 1200 mg per day is adequate for most menopausal women.
Get Some Sun
Vitamin D helps you to absorb calcium and put it in the bones. It is also important for immune systems moderation, depression and autoimmune disorders.
Have your Hormones Checked
Hormone decline is one of the most common reasons for bone loss after menopause in women. Andropause the male equivalent of menopause also causes bone loss in the male. An adequate level of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are also important for bones in a male. The excess level of cortisol, insulin and parathyroid hormone can cause bone loss. An elevated calcium level in a serum is a clue that parathyroid hormones might be excess.
Change your Diet
Excess refined sugar and starches elevate your sugar level. If you eat a well-balanced diet with plenty of dairy, fish, fruits and vegetables, you should get enough of the nutrients you need every day. Increasing fibre intake is an easy way to lower sugar. It helps to slow down the absorption of sugar and fats. It can help to have lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels as much as medication.
Reduces Stress
Stress raises cortisol levels. It can cause bone loss. Cortisol antagonizes insulin and leads to insulin resistance, eventually raising the blood sugar and causing calcium loss in the urine. Stress reduction can include specific activities aimed at invoking the “relaxation response”, such as yoga, meditation, massage and sometimes prayer or taking a vacation etc.
I hope that this article gave you all the insights you needed on Osteoporosis and answered all your questions asked in the previous article.
Dear doctor. Thanks a lot for your valuable advice. Keep us imparting such knowledge to prevent from life style diseases.
Thanks a million, sir