Physical-Cognitive-Social-Emotional Developmental Milestones
It is truly a satisfying experience looking at your little one growing up each day. It is a phase in which each day counts in your child’s physical, social, emotional and cognitive development. Each day your child surprises you with a new movement, new sound and a new mischief he/ she learns. Given below are some of the changes you witness that shows your child is growing and learning each day. These changes mark the developmental milestones in your child’s journey.
2-3 years
Physical Developmental Milestones
- Your child can climb up stairs first, and then down
- Walk forward and backward
- Hold a thick crayon
Social Developmental Milestones
- Imitation, parallel and symbolic, and play
Emotional Developmental Milestones
- Feel pride when they are “good” and embarrassment when they are “bad”
- Can recognize distress in others – beginning of empathy
- Are emotionally attached to toys or objects for security
- Begin to like to “do it myself” and will want to make more choices on his or her own.
- Have rapid mood shifts
- Might be bossy and defiant
Cognitive Developmental Milestones
- Ego-centric, illogical, Magical Thinking
- Don’t realize others have a different perspective
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3-4 Years
Physical Developmental Milestones
- Physically active, and can’t sit still for long
- Refines complex skills: hopping, jumping, climbing, running, ride “big wheels” and tricycles
- Improving fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination: cut with scissors and draw shapes
- Most toilet trained
Social Developmental Milestones
- Cooperative Imaginative, may involve fantasy and imaginary friends
- Takes turns in games
- Wants to please adults
- Simplistic idea of “good and bad” behaviour
Emotional Developmental Milestones
- Self-esteem based on what others tell him or her
- Curious
- Self-directed in many activities
- Experiences a broad range of emotions (ie: jealousy, excitement, fear, happiness, anger)
Cognitive Developmental Milestones
- Can use 2-3 word phrases and can be understood by a stranger 75% of times
- Uses more complex toys and understands the sequence of putting toys and puzzles together
Read Also: Improve Communication Skills and its effect on the Child’s development
What they need –
- Enjoy learning new skills
- Are always on the go
- Gain control over finger and hands
- Can easily get frustrated
- Ask many questions
- Act more independent but still dependent
- Act out familiar scenes
What they want –
Required opportunities to do the following :
Make choices, engage in dramatic play, sing-song, work simple puzzles, learn cooperation by helping and sharing.
It is equally true that each child grows at his/ her own rate and it is important that you let the child grow and celebrate life at his/ her own pace.
At the same time as a parent and as a caregiver it is important to be vigilant if by the age of 4 years your child has the following signs.
Red Flags for Social-Emotional Development (2- 4 years)
• Not interested in pretend play
• Extreme difficulty separating from caregiver
• Showing abnormal aggression
• Shows extreme fears that interfere with daily activities
• Not able to initiate or join in play with other children
• Not able to share at all with other children
• Wants to be dependent on her caregivers for everything
• Extremely “rigid” about routines, and becomes extremely upset when things are changed
• Too passive or fearful, and does not want to try things other children his age are doing.