In a society, a man is incomplete without his partner ( woman).
A marriage is incomplete without a woman: as a priest in a chapel declares them to be a man and wife. A woman is the female gender of a human.
Earlier it was only a man who earned bred and butter. The female was considered to stay at home and reproduce. A mere confinement in four walls!
Decades changed, so did time. But mentality prevails. Even in today’s age, a well-qualified woman is expected to stay confined. But it is impossible now.
A woman today is also to reproduce- power, enlightenment and success.
She is well enriched with education and experience. Today they have taken a bigger role in society: to think virtually. In earlier times, they didn’t enjoy the power of equality; so is now. But the difference is, she has learnt from decades to fight and grab her rights!
Impressive changes have come in their positions of jobs. From a government employee, they are ruling the world to a business tycoon. Comparatively, a woman has more duties and jobs towards family and home. She is a “bearer” of offsprings.
She nourishes them in her womb and raises them to be perfect. Gender inequality has always prevailed in society. Be it different religion or country, men have always portrayed the dominant gender. Through years, women have increasingly more significant role.
From a girl to adolescent, woman to mother : pivotal changes and so do roles. To establish an empire is easier than “motherhood”; if asked to any mom!
From an embryo to a child , the journey is incredibly difficult. She inherits the power of patience, worthiness and justness.
Discuss a woman about the invisible workload of a mother, she knows, understands and smiles. Its just like, to thread a needle!
Motherhood is a selfless care. A mom doesn’t have the center of her own universe, instead, she relinquishes the position to her children!
Being a mom gives the realization of the strengths
We never knew,
And victory over the fears
That never existed!